View Full Version : Supporting my wife

May 5, 2011, 10:42 PM
I wasn’t sure where to find a good place to talk about this or ask questions, so I am falling back on my “use a search engine and find a website with a name that describes my topic” tactic.

I’ve been married to my wife for almost 3 years, and we’ve been together for a little over 8. We started dating back in high school so neither of us did a ton of dating before we got together. She only really dated two other guys before me, and those were very short-term relationships, if you can really call dating someone for a couple weeks in high school a relationship. :P The entire time we’ve been together she has said that she was 100% straight, but I’ve always had the feeling she was lying to herself about that. She was raised Christian and, while I don’t have any issues with that, her parents and her faith gave her a sort of restricted view on who it was “OK” to be attracted to. In other words, she didn’t think it was right to be attracted to girls so she denied the attractions she felt. And for the first couple years we were together I pretended I “didn’t get” the attraction guys had to girl-on-girl situations because it really was a sort of taboo topic for her. Which I don’t blame her one bit for. If you are raised your entire life being told something is wrong, it’s hard to change your mind about that even when you are having internal conflicts about your own sexuality.

Throughout the years I’ve seen her have little “girl crushes” on a lot of her female friends. I know that kind of sounds condescending but I assure you, if you saw what I was talking about it, it really is the best way to put it and I mean it in the most loving way. She also seems to really enjoy porn that features girls, and seems to focus more on the girl(s) than the male participants. We are very open with each other about that sort of thing and will even watch it together, but she always seemed to shy away from the fact that she was watching the things she was watching because she is attracted to the girls. I never pushed the issue because I figured she would bring it up when she felt comfortable with it. I didn’t want her to pursue it out of some desire to please me because, by this point, I had given up the charade that I didn’t find two girls together attractive. She knew I thought it was attractive, but I had never proposed she herself do it.

A few months ago we were hanging out with some friends and we had a few drinks. My wife was being flirty with one of our female friends which didn’t really phase me since, like I said, she does it without realizing it all the time. Things started to go a bit further than they had before and my wife was getting more physical than I had ever seen her get with another girl. We’ve never done anything with anyone else or other couples or anything and neither of us have cheated on the other in the 8 years we’ve been together but, at the same time, we’ve always communicated with each other that if such a situation came up we wouldn’t necessarily be opposed to it so long as we check with the other person and all that. We are very comfortable with our relationship and don’t equate sexuality with infidelity so long as there isn’t any deceit or sneaking around involved.

My wife pulled me aside and just asked “Are you OK with this?” She was breaking through 23 years of repressed desire, was no doubt extremely confused about the entire situation and is such a sweetheart that she was concerned about how I felt about it—what a girl.:cool: I told her I was fine with it and I appreciated her checking with me and she went back to, let’s just say, exploring her long-standing but only recently acknowledged interest in girls. As far as I know this was her first bi-sexual experience and while I won’t go into details on a forum I literally found a couple minutes ago (maybe I will later if you’re nice and she says it’s OK heh…) let’s just say for a first time, I was a bit surprised they went well past just making out.

Since this experience she has pretty much fully accepted that she is interested in girls to a never-stops-talking-about-it level. The girl she had this experience with is (primarily?) straight and in a relationship with one of our male friends. Both he and I were in the room when this happened but it was entirely just the two girls participating, we were simply (extremely lucky) spectators. Aside from the occasional kiss or cuddling there have not been any repeat occurrences which leads me to believe either the other girl isn’t interested in girls and it was just one wild night to her or, more likely given what I’ve observed, she is interested but her boyfriend isn’t as comfortable with it as the rest of us. Which is perfectly understandable and I don’t hold it against him one bit.

So fast forward to where we are now. My wife has come right out and said she wants to continue to explore this side of herself. She doesn’t want to try to push herself on the girl she had her first experience with because she doesn’t want to cause issues with her relationship (or their friendship) but at the same time, there isn’t a day that goes by where she doesn’t tell me she wants to experience being with a girl again. She also really wants to have a three-some with me and another girl which had to have been the greatest words I’ve heard come out of her mouth since “I do.” But neither of us know how to pursue it. We’re in a committed relationship and we don’t want to complicate that by us having our relationship, but her also having a girlfriend on the side or whatever. But on the other hand, we don’t want to just go out to some bar and pick up a girl for meaningless sex, and this is all too new to her for her to feel comfortable with a stranger I feel.

I’m totally OK with her pursing these feelings. Not because I’m letting the 14 year old in my brain convince me it will turn out like a scene out of a porno, but because I’ve known for years that this is a part of her and I became OK with it long before she even acknowledged it. But basically we have reached a “what now?” crossroads.

Should we just wait for a situation to come up? Should she actively look for a girl? Should we look together or will that come across too much like me angling for a 3-way? This is first and foremost for and about her and if they want me to be involved, that’s great, but not necessary. That said I don’t feel comfortable with her just going out one night and hooking up with a stranger alone simply for safety concerns so I would want to be around, though not necessarily involved.

I guess we’re both kinda of thinking “what’s next.”

Annika L
May 6, 2011, 12:27 AM
First, wow. Oh, and welcome to the site!

Next, kudos to you for being such a supportive and understanding partner, kudos to her for her breakthrough in self-understanding, and kudos to both of you for having what seems like very good communication between the two of you.

Ok, now on to the real work.

It is completely understandable that you aren't ok with her just going out and exploring with another woman. Yes, she has needs to explore, and it's great that you seem ok with her exploring...but you have needs for safety, stability, and control that you also deserve to have met, too. So I would say that you have every right to establish whatever parameters you feel comfortable with here. But these must be understood explicitly between the two of you (sounds like you have a level of communication where this should not be too difficult).

Once you figure out what *you're* comfortable with (and share it with her), then *she* can figure out what she's comfortable with doing within those parameters. The reason I grant you the primary control here is that it sounds like the two of you have a default-monogamous understanding...so if she wants/needs to re-write those rules, it needs to be with your blessing. If it was you who wanted the re-write, I'd advocate that she have control over the new rules.

But within your parameters, let her figure out what feels most right to her. Does she feel *comfortable* "actively looking" for a girl? At a club? Using online ads? Would she feel more comfortable experimenting with FF cyber (or FFM 3-some cyber) online? Or would *she* prefer to find a girl for a real-life threesome with you? Whatever it is, let that next move come from her, but within the rules that the two of you work out. Then you won't have to worry about it looking like *you're* angling for a threesome.

At any rate, it sounds to me like you're in for an interesting and exciting ride, if a bit scary at times. Hopefully it will lead to whole new dimensions of your relationship opening up. Be forewarned, however, that it *could* also lead to the end of your relationship, despite best of intentions on both your parts. I would recommend that you read through some of bizel's threads about her relationship with her husband...he could be somewhat analogous to your partner. But I don't know you, your partner, or bizel or hers nearly well enough to predict that this will be the case. I just wanted you to be aware that sometimes, what starts as bi-curiosity leads to a realization that the attraction is far stronger than that.

Very best wishes that it turns out well. And feel free to pm me or come into chat if you need someone to talk to about it (can't promise I'll be in chat, but there are usually a few cool people around at any given time).

-- Annika

May 6, 2011, 1:49 AM
Nice, you now add yourself to the long line of guys who are ok with their wife or gf being bi. What would happen if the situation were switched, I'm thinking she'd do what a majority of women do and run away screaming.

May 6, 2011, 5:25 AM
Great story and welcome to the site!

It is great that you are both open to each other in your marriage.

I really don't think that I can provide you with any answers here. You know your wife better than any of us do. What I think is great about your relationship based off what you said is your openness about it. If I had to ask any question it would be "Why are you really here?". I don’t think that you need confirmation that this is either wrong or right. At the end of the day you will get a hundred different answers swinging either way.

You are married. If you are ok and comfortable with your wife exploring this side of her then great. Just familiarize yourself with the hazards that go along with the “lifestyle”. Getting intimate with another person could have undesired results, both emotionally and from a health standpoint. That said, the relationship that you have between you and your wife is between you and her. No one can tell you how to live in your relationship.

You don’t need confirmation. Just keep being open with one another and go from there.

Good luck!

Long Duck Dong
May 6, 2011, 5:41 AM
I agree with annika...

its all about you both learning about bisexuality and relationships, as there is more to a relationship than a person being bisexual and wanting to explore.....

on the surface, yeah it seems great, a bisexual female partner.... every guys dream ( actually its not, a lot of guys are not interested in girl on girl action )
but the impact and effect on you both, is something that needs to be worked thru

coming to terms with her own sexuality and desires, conflict between your views of the relationship, personal safety, conduct, and yes even the interfering 3rd person are all valid issues in a open relationship... and its not uncommon for a 3rd person that want more than a casual connection...and that can put stress on you, your partner and your relationship....

other issues include mental and emotional stability... not all bisexuals can handle casual and open relationships.... some bisexuals can be more monogamous minded and casual encounters can cause issues for them that surface later down the track.......

its the same with you, you may be ok with things at the moment, but be aware that it can change in you too... so communication between you both as a on going concern is important......

look out for and after your partner... there are people out there that will want a 3rd person for a casual encounter, for their partner... and it can end up being a situation where your partner is not there as a equal person, but there as a 3rd wheel and expected to have sex with the male and the female....

that can lead to your partner feeling like shes not a person, but a sex object, and I am willing to say that you may feel rightly pissed off about that... shes your partner, not a fuck toy and you may want her treated with the respect and caring that you show her every day......
so discernment of potential partners is something that you can both be involved in, for the sake of you both......

condoms.... mmm.... lil hard for ladies to put condoms on... but honestly, clean toys are good toys.... a condom on a toy is a good idea for health and safety reasons.... cos it is possible to get infections from dirty toys and we are talking about urinary tract infections etc.... nasty lil bugs that are also sexually transmitted.....

dental dams are another safe option for the ladies..... and yeah I know, good way to ruin the fun with foul tasting plastic.... but like the males, you only have to get some diseases once and they are life long... like herpes....
I had a friend diagnosised the other day with herpes of the tongue from oral sex.....

so yeah... I am a real fuckin party pooper..... but sadly, its the state of the world, dude... there is risks in all that we do now.... and a lot of its cos of unsafe sex and unresolved issues in relationships

so take your gorgeous lady by the hand, hug her, kiss her and tell her you are walking on her journey with her, as her partner... and gonna share the ups and downs of a relationship with a person that is bisexual....

love the partner that is bisexual and you love the person they are..... love the bisexual that is your partner, and you love part of the person....

May 6, 2011, 8:19 AM
Holy living fuck.
You are way mature for you age, dubstep.

I wish I had been that far along at your age.

All the above advise is very sound (this is coming from a very old asshole-me).

NW 6942
offer good advise. You would be wise to slowly (piece meal) consider their counsel in patience.

As an added bonus, I'm on the other side.
I'm a bi man with a straight woman.
Albeit old man.
In all our turmoil of my coming out to her years ago about my being bi, she realized she has always loved men who are gay or have gay tendencies (her father included- bisexual).
I realized about your age that most of the women I hook up with are lesbian/bi.
Sometimes... and here's the crux...
sometimes... just letting go of masculine ego and accepting the differences of those we love makes all the difference in life; between hell on earth and heaven on earth.
As a general rule, the more our hurts, insecurities and ego have a hold of us, the closer to hell our life is.
The more we get over ourselves and deliberately love, the closer to heaven we live.
Just accept love as two things:
An output, how you will treat others.
An input. An uncontrollable feeling... when it happens, it's great, and when it doesn't, that's okay. Respect your feelings of love and others feelings of love.
From my experience, your girl can love you undiminished and be with other girls also; these are her additional needs. Yes, she needs you too.
But don't be a doormat. If she progressively refuses to be with you or (you can tell/you will know) falls out of love with you... it's time to move on.
But this last part is nothing new in love, and is true in straight and/or gay relationships.
My very best wishes to you dubstep.

May 6, 2011, 8:37 AM
Welcome to the site!

Your introduction was interesting and articulate...well done. You've received some excellent advice, too.

Somehow, I think you two will be just fine. Communication is great, you obviously are in love, and are empathetic to her desires. It's good to listen to others, but you will probably do well on your own.

If I would suggest anything, I'd say to think before you act and don't settle for less than you, or she, wants.

It's possible that she may meet someone who will not want to be apart of a 3-some. If her future lover wants to only be with her, that may be something that you may have to work out.

Although, it's not something pleasant to think about, LDD's warning about diseases is very important, too.

Good luck!

May 6, 2011, 10:28 AM
Someone say Dubstep ?!?! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmfIlI4M1Yg)

Im sorry. I can't be serious right now ... your name made me go straight to youtube and play some dubstep ><

May 6, 2011, 1:15 PM
well why dont you let her bring a girl in and enjoy the show

May 6, 2011, 7:32 PM
hi dubstep, and welcome. you have come to a good place for support and advice. i was in your position with my hubby recently when he admitted his male fantasises were more than that and he needed a man's touch. i was like you and only wanted him to be happy, to explore and to be totally honest about the journey.

as it turned out, it wasn't only his issue. coming out whether publically, privately (and to some extent personally) i found, was also an issue for the partner. i thought i was all ok with everything, could handle everything and found out the road was a hell of a lot rockier than imagined. it has made me question lots of beliefs i was brought up with (ones i didn't even realise i had). getting your head around all aspects of it (both you and her) can be a lot harder than physically going for it. all i can say is be patient, gentle and honest with each other and communicate - especially communicate. some things said or done may hit an unexpected 'ouch' spot. don't react immediately. find a quiet space and think it through. try not to push each other, just let it flow. it will find it's path. if you both truly love each other and care about each other, you will work it out.

come back to us anytime. bring back any specific questions you have. i valued long duck dong's advice when hubby and i were having initial hurdles. he's on the ball there. and he doesn't mind private messages. if your wife would like to ask us anything, we're here for her too. sometimes it's just comforting to know there is this community who you can be totally open with and know they are trying their hardest to help. i have poured my heart out here, and they have never let me down. big hug, b.

May 7, 2011, 1:29 AM
Hi Dub. Welcome to the family, Sweetie. Let it happen when it happens, and dont rush it. Maybe she'll continue to develope an interest in the lady she was exploring with, maybe she'll infatuate on another. But you are fantastic for giving her the leaway to explore her sexuality....and who knows? It could turn into something fun and Extremely exciting for you, too. ;)
Have fun, play safe. :}

May 9, 2011, 9:52 PM
Hi everyone, this is the wife. I wanted to say thank you for the replies and your advice. I'm so glad I'm married to this guy, he really is as great as he sounds. We're trying to figure out the best way to see if the girl mentioned is interested in this while still maintaining the friendship. Aside from that, any tips/ suggestions for meeting other bi girls would be appreciated.

May 9, 2011, 10:28 PM
Best of luck. The two of you are on an amazing journey that can really bring you closer together. Just never stop communicating your feelings.

May 10, 2011, 2:32 AM
with your looks my dear, i dont think you will have much trouble finding a nice girl for you to explore with. there are a lot of bi women out there and i hope you find one that you and your husband can enjoy together. you are a knockout!! you will find a willing woman to take care of your exploring and maybe teach you the finer arts of being bi. :male:

Hi everyone, this is the wife. I wanted to say thank you for the replies and your advice. I'm so glad I'm married to this guy, he really is as great as he sounds. We're trying to figure out the best way to see if the girl mentioned is interested in this while still maintaining the friendship. Aside from that, any tips/ suggestions for meeting other bi girls would be appreciated.