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Nov 28, 2006, 1:24 AM
and this is no joke...

folks i need assitance from those of you who are far more tech minded than i am..while i can usually hold my own troubleshooting personal confusers, this one has me totally stumped. [ i work with windoze, unix, solaris and a militarized version of red hat on a daily basis]

3 days ago, my yahoo mail, news, groups, and weather functions just up and quit/vanished/poof!

i've tried everything i can think of to fix this, as one or two here who've attempted to assist me cant tell you, [ and thank you again for those long sleepless hours you guys. ]

i run win2k pro, w/ svc packs and regular updates. yes, trailing edge software , but only because of my less than perfect employer and it's totally whacked, farmed out, IT policy. [they still use a form of older lotus notes, of all things]

in the process of trying to fix this vanishing act, i've;

dumped and reloaded toolbars from comcast, yahoo and google.

"updated" my yahoo software to the current version [suspect #1 in my book]

reset all security functions and settings i can find in my browser, anti virus, root directories and everywhere else .

emailed yahoo customer care 3 times! for help w/o response

yelled, a lot, for help.

when i try to log in, i repeatedly get a log in error message that says my browser doesnt accept or isnt handling cookies. again, see all the above for what i've done to try to fix this.

funny thing is, i have a functional, updated, yahoo messenger.

please, if you think you can help me, email me at my hotmail account, which you can find in my profile. or, aww hell, here it is for those of you who might not find it;


thanx in advance folks.

Nov 28, 2006, 4:10 AM
I can't guarantee this will work, but if you go into Tools>Internet Options, click on the Settings button then on View Objects you'll find, well....objects. If there's one for Yahoo in there (or anything that sounds like it could be the cause of the problem), delete it. Then close out of IE, reopen it and go to Yahoo Mail. The object should be redownloaded from the internet. This could resolve the issue. I've deleted all objects from systems with IE problems at times because of corruptions.

Like I said, no guarantees, but if you're out of ideas this might do the trick. Email me if it doesn't and I'll try to think of something else.

Nov 28, 2006, 6:29 AM
Have you tried system restore to go back to the settings on a date before all this happened?

Nov 28, 2006, 2:35 PM
guys, thanx for the tips, but been there done all this.. remember, not using win xp here so there isnt much in the way of a "go back" button.. and like a dummy, i've put off doing a full system backup on here in case somehting like this happened..

again, thanx for the tips tho..

Nov 29, 2006, 10:11 PM
Hi there. You don't indicate which web browser you are using, but my guess is IE. I have been working on a neighbor's pc and found similar trouble. He had google toolbars, no firewall, no AV, and no anti-spyware, and even tried upgrading to the new IE, but he still couldn't pull up certain web pages and had links that were unclickable. The icing on the cake was that he was even having trouble downloading the McAfee software that, in theory, will fix all of this, but IE wouldn't paint the web pages properly!

Have you tried a different browser like Firefox or Opera? We installed Firefox and all of his links were clickable, which makes me suspect a virus or spyware hacked his registry. We were interrupted and have yet to finish the job so I have no final diagnosis yet.

Also, make sure you are up to date with your anti-spyware software. If you don't have any, I recommend Webroot's Spysweeper. If you google for it you will actually find a clickable coupon link at some "Women's issues" website that lets you get a $10 discount at the Webroot site! At a minimum, if you don't want to by Spysweeper, I would download Spybot Search & Destroy and run the hell out of it.

You should also activate a firewall, whether Winders or ZoneLabs "Zonealarm" firewall. I have used the free version on all my pc's, friends and family, too, for years.

One last suggestion: download, install, and run Codestuff's "Starter" (google for it). It will show you more details about what is currently running in your system (down to the actual folder that program launched from) and can help you identify what crapware may not need to be running and sucking up cycles in your pc. It beats the snot out of Winders Task Mangler. It also has a nice feature that allows you to disable those arrogant programs from starting up at boot time with just a click.

And don't be surprised if some of them come back. If you do indeed have a virus or hacked registry you may have to kill them in safe mode, uninstall programs, delete folders, the whole 9 yards before they go away permanently. Good luck. Post here or send me a private email and let me know how things go.


Nov 29, 2006, 10:22 PM
Is this PC at your work? If so, the I.T. staff may have put in a new firewall which is blocking the sites and/or protocols those programs use. If they are still using a proxy server, they can block sites/protocols with the proxy server also. They could even be using a filter on the network, such as Websense, to block your programs.

Many firewalls and filters block most protocols/programs by default.

Nov 30, 2006, 7:50 PM
So have you been fixed yet, Rich????

Nov 30, 2006, 8:50 PM
i was haveing the same problem with my wifes yahoo so i contacted them they said to start a new one and forget the other so i think it is yahoo

and this is no joke...

folks i need assitance from those of you who are far more tech minded than i am..while i can usually hold my own troubleshooting personal confusers, this one has me totally stumped. [ i work with windoze, unix, solaris and a militarized version of red hat on a daily basis]

3 days ago, my yahoo mail, news, groups, and weather functions just up and quit/vanished/poof!

i've tried everything i can think of to fix this, as one or two here who've attempted to assist me cant tell you, [ and thank you again for those long sleepless hours you guys. ]

i run win2k pro, w/ svc packs and regular updates. yes, trailing edge software , but only because of my less than perfect employer and it's totally whacked, farmed out, IT policy. [they still use a form of older lotus notes, of all things]

in the process of trying to fix this vanishing act, i've;

dumped and reloaded toolbars from comcast, yahoo and google.

"updated" my yahoo software to the current version [suspect #1 in my book]

reset all security functions and settings i can find in my browser, anti virus, root directories and everywhere else .

emailed yahoo customer care 3 times! for help w/o response

yelled, a lot, for help.

when i try to log in, i repeatedly get a log in error message that says my browser doesnt accept or isnt handling cookies. again, see all the above for what i've done to try to fix this.

funny thing is, i have a functional, updated, yahoo messenger.

please, if you think you can help me, email me at my hotmail account, which you can find in my profile. or, aww hell, here it is for those of you who might not find it;


thanx in advance folks.

Nov 30, 2006, 11:38 PM
So have you been fixed yet, Rich????

no hon , not yet..i refuse to give up on it... meanwhile watching the email counter pile up with mail i cant get to

Nov 30, 2006, 11:41 PM
i was haveing the same problem with my wifes yahoo so i contacted them they said to start a new one and forget the other so i think it is yahoo

please see my reply to arana below.. i'm hard headed that way..

Dec 10, 2006, 1:34 AM
So have you been fixed yet, Rich????

no baby, i've no intention of getting "fixed" . the thot fills me with dread that someone would voluntarily submit themselves to that type of surgery...

but, yes i've solved my problem today with a 10 minute download of the firefox browser after patiently waiting for answers to emailed pleas for help and getting little or no response or help from either mr. gates' company or yahoo's ( dis) service center.. now, all i have to do is configure the browser more to my liking, and figure out why i now cant get my bisexual.com forum responses to take the text, size and color settings i like to use.... i know, or, at least i think i know, there is an advisory posted someplace here on the site that is aimed at those of us using the mozilla based browsers...now i just got to find it....

btw, if you ever want to really learn how to hack your own computer to make it work the way you want it, just wait for something like i just went thru and you'll learn tons of things that you'd never expect...