View Full Version : Penile Health

Jan 1, 2008, 3:36 PM
I think this is the first new thread I posted. So hello everyone.

Cock pumps:
I see the things everywhere. Do they work? What exactly do they do? Any dangers? Your experiences? Are there better alternatives that enlarge ones pride...

I'm average sized (6 1/2" long, 2"thick, cut (robbed, victimised, butchered at birth...) , and I'm comfortable with that (just a little pissed about the stupid circumcision obviously, I find the practice of circumcising infants morally objectionable for any reason, especially religeous). I like big dicks, and I do masterbate so I would love to have a little more meat to play with, not much, maybe just some more girth.

I have some sensitivity issues from nerve dammage that I might as well toss up as well. I always get it up, I think it's still a little over-active ...no problem there, but I don't always get it off. Does anyone have suggestions about how to increase sensitivity either medicinally or some other way?


Jan 1, 2008, 3:46 PM
Pumps and cockrings work but it's just temporary and if you get any pain or anything like that don't use them.

You can even use pumps on your nipples to enlarge them permantly but you have to keep it up constantly.


If you have sensitivity because of nerve damage and being cut there's no way to get that back.

Circumcision of the penis is a pointless, outdated, and barbaric ritual and it's genital mutilation and the idea that a cut penis is cleaner than an intact penis with a foreskin or the idea that being cut helps prevent HIV is BS.

Jan 1, 2008, 5:12 PM
Pumps and cockrings work but it's just temporary and if you get any pain or anything like that don't use them.

You can even use pumps on your nipples to enlarge them permantly but you have to keep it up constantly.


If you have sensitivity because of nerve damage and being cut there's no way to get that back.

Circumcision of the penis is a pointless, outdated, and barbaric ritual and it's genital mutilation and the idea that a cut penis is cleaner than an intact penis with a foreskin or the idea that being cut helps prevent HIV is BS.

Thank you. I find that not many people agree with me on that. Clenliness comes from work, not mutilation.
Has anyone heard of yohimbe? It is an herb that is an ingredient in stuff like viagra, and before those E.D. drugs came out you used to have to inject Yohimbine directly into Srgt. Slammer -no thank you! I told the doctor my issue and he perscribed that, but the perscription was insanely expensive so I never tried it.
That was a long time ago, now I might try it. If not, no big deal, as long as everyone else gets off. It just makes me more horny, unsatiable, kinky, and go longer (which was never an issue anyway). I have since discovered that I love being teased and denied release anyway.

Jan 1, 2008, 6:20 PM
You're welcome!

I've been told that prolonged use of a pump causes deformities and can rupture blood vessels and cause impotence. They scare me.

Did you hear about the judge who would use his pump in court?


Jan 1, 2008, 6:21 PM
Yohibie is interesting.

I've never taken it or any other types of herbal viagra but I don't want to take anything like that and I don't need it.

Yohimbine has been shown to be potentially dangerous in combination with
other drugs such as SSRIs and amphetamines, which is similar to contraindications for MAOIs, but the problems may not be related to yohimbine's MAO-Inhibition.

Yohimbe products should NOT be taken with other MAOIs.

Also Since Yohimbe itself, is a mild MAOI avoid these foods, drugs, and drinks if you take it:

To be as safe as possible, avoid the following drugs while you are taking an MAOI antidepressant and for two weeks after stopping it.

* All SSRIs (prozac, zoloft, and several other anti-depressants)
SSRIs block the reuptake of serotonin in the brain. Because MAOIs inhibit the breakdown of serotonin, the combination of MAOIs and SSRIs can lead to dangerously high levels of serotonin in the brain (serotonin syndrome). Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include nausea, vomiting, blackouts, memory loss, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate.
* Demerol
* Cold preparations (tablets, capsules, or liquids such as Comtrex)
* Cough medications containing decongestants, Dextromethorphan (DXM)1 , or Demerol
* Sinus medications
* Nose drops or nasal sprays
* Nasal decongestants
* Hay fever medications
* Diet pills
* Amphetamines --- speed
* MDMA --- Ecstasy
* MDE, MDA, and other "MD" compounds
* Cocaine --- crack

The foods to avoid list consists of foods with sufficient tyramine (in small or usual serving sizes) that would create a dangerous elevation in blood pressure and therefore should be avoided (McCabe, 1986)


Alcoholic beverages
# Avoid Chianti wine and vermouth.
# Consumption of red, white, and port wine in quantities less than 120 mL present little risk (Anon, 1989; Da Prada et al, 1988; McCabe, 1986).
# Beer and ale should also be avoided (McCabe, 1986), however other investigators feel major domestic (US) brands of beer is safe in small quantities (½ cup or less than 120 mL) (Anon, 1989; Da Prada, 1988), but imported beer should not be consumed unless a specific brand is known to be safe.
# Whiskey and liqueurs such as Drambuie and Chartreuse have caused reactions.
# Nonalcoholic beverages (alcohol-free beer and wines) may contain tyramine and should be avoided (Anon, 1989; Stockley, 1993).

Banana peels
# A single case report implicates a banana as the causative agent, which involved the consumption of whole stewed green banana, including the peel. Ripe banana pulp contains 7 µg/gram of tyramine compared to a peel which contains 65 µg/gram and 700 µg of tyramine and dopamine, respectively (McCabe, 1986).

Bean curd
# Fermented bean curd, fermented soya bean, soya bean pastes contain a significant amount of tyramine (Anon, 1989).

Broad (fava) bean pods
# These beans contain dopa, not tyramine, which is metabolized to dopamine and may cause a pressor reaction and therefore should not be eaten particularly if overripe (McCabe, 1986; Anon, 1989; Brown & Bryant, 1988).

# Tyramine content cannot be predicted based on appearance, flavor, or variety and therefore should be avoided.
# Cream cheese and cottage cheese have no detectable level of tyramine (McCabe, 1986; Anon, 1989, Brown & Bryant, 1988).

# Fresh fish (Anon, 1989; McCabe, 1986) and vacuum-packed pickled fish or caviar contain only small amounts of tyramine and are safe if consumed promptly or refrigerated for short periods; longer storage may be dangerous (Anon, 1989).
# Smoked, fermented, pickled (Herring) and otherwise aged fish, meat, or any spoiled food may contain high levels of tyramine and should be avoided (Anon, 1989; Brown & Bryant, 1988).

# Some preparations have resulted in a headache, tremulousness, and manic-like symptoms (Anon, 1989).

Protein extracts
# Three brands of meat extract contained 95, 206, and 304 µg/gram of tyramine and therefore meat extracts should be avoided (McCabe, 1986).
# Avoid liquid and powdered protein dietary supplements (Anon, 1989).

# nonfresh or liver
# no detectable levels identified in fresh chicken livers
# high tyramine content found in spoiled or unfresh livers (McCabe, 1986).
# Fresh meat is safe, caution suggested in restaurants (Anon, 1989; Da Prada et al, 1988).
# Sausage, bologna, pepperoni and salami contain large amounts of tyramine (Anon, 1989; Da Prada et al, 1988; McCabe, 1986).
# No detectable tyramine levels were identified in country cured ham (McCabe, 1986).

# Tyramine content has varied from 20 to 95 µg/gram and should be avoided (McCabe, 1986).

Shrimp paste
# Contain a large amount of tyramine (Anon, 1989).

# Should be avoided as protein extracts may be present; miso soup is prepared from fermented bean curd and contain tyramine in large amounts and should not be consumed (Anon, 1989).

# Brewer's or extracts - yeast extracts (Marmite) which are spread on bread or mixed with water,
# Brewer's yeast, or Yeast vitamin supplements should not be consumed.
# Yeast used in baking is safe (Anon, 1989; Da Prada et al, 1988; McCabe, 1986).

The foods to use with caution list categorizes foods that have been reported to cause a hypertensive crisis if foods were consumed in large quantities, stored for prolong periods, or if contamination occurred. Small servings (½ cup, or less than 120 mL) of the following foods are not expected to pose a risk for patients on MAOI therapy (McCabe, 1986).
(½ cup or less than 120 mL)

Alcoholic beverages - see under foods to avoid.

Avocados - contain tyramine, particularly overripe (Anon, 1989) but may be used in small amounts if not overripened (McCabe, 1986).

Caffeine - contains a weak pressor agent, large amounts may cause a reaction (Anon, 1989).

Chocolate - is safe to ingest for most patients, unless consumed in large amounts (Anon, 1989; McCabe, 1986).

Dairy products - Cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream cheese, yogurt, or milk should pose little risk unless prolonged storage or lack of sanitation standards exists (Anon, 1989; McCabe, 1986). Products should not be used if close to the expiration date (McCabe, 1986).

Nuts - large quantities of peanuts were implicated in a hypertensive reaction and headache. Coconuts and brazil nuts have also been implicated, however no analysis of the tyramine content was performed (McCabe, 1986).

Raspberries - contain tyramine and small amounts are expected to be safe (McCabe, 1986).

Soy sauce - has been reported to contain large amounts of tyramine and reactions have been reported with teriyaki (Anon, 1989), however analysis of soy sauce reveals a tyramine level of 1.76 µg/mL and fermented meat may have contributed to the previously reported reactions (McCabe, 1986).

Spinach, New Zealand prickly or hot weather - large amounts have resulted in a reaction (Anon, 1989; McCabe, 1986).

More than 200 foods contain tyramine in small quantities and have been implicated in reactions with MAOI therapy, however the majority of the previous reactions were due to the consumption of spoiled food. Evidence does not support the restriction of the following foods listed if the food is fresh (McCabe, 1986).

* anchovies
* beetroot
* chips with vinegar
* Coca Cola
* cockles
* coffee
* corn, sweet
* cottage cheese
* cream cheese
* cucumbers
* egg, boiled
* figs, canned
* fish, canned
* junket
* mushrooms
* pineapple, fresh
* raisins
* salad dressings
* snails
* tomato juice
* wild game
* worcestershire sauce
* yeast-leavened bread

Any protein food, improperly stored or handled, can form pressor amines through protein breakdown. Chicken and beef liver, liver pate, and game generally contain high amine levels due to frequent mishandling. Game is often allowed to partially decompose as part of its preparation. Ayd (1986) reported that the freshness of the food is a key issue with MAOIs and that as long as foods are purchased from reputable shops and stored properly, the danger of a hypertensive crisis is minimal. Some foods should be avoided, the most dangerous being aged cheeses and yeast products used as food supplements (Gilman et al, 1985).

With appropriate dietary restrictions, the incidence of hypertensive crises has decreased to approximately 4% (Zisook, 1985). Treatment of a hypertensive reactions includes the=7F administration of phentolamine (Anon, 1989) 2.5 to 5 milligrams intravenously (slow) titrated against blood pressure (Zisook,=7F 1985; Lippman & Nash, 1990). One report has suggested that the use of sublingual nifedipine 10 milligrams was effective in treating 2 hypertensive reactions following the ingestion of a tyramine-containing food in a patient receiving MAOI therapy (Clary & Schweizerr, 1987). Chlorpromazine also has alpha-blocking properties and has been recommended as an agent for discretionary use (patient-initiated treatment) in the setting of dietary indiscretion (Lippman & Nash, 1990).
Dietary restrictions are required for individuals receiving monoamine oxidase inhibitor therapy to prevent a hypertensive crisis and other side effects. The foods listed in the dietary restrictions have been categorized into those foods that must be avoided, foods that may be ingested in small quantities, and those foods that were previous implicated in reactions but upon analyses of fresh samples only a small tyramine content was identified and should be safe to consume if freshness is considered.

1. Anon: Foods interacting with MAOI inhibitors. Med Lett Drug Ther 1989; 31:11-12.
2. Ayd FJ: Diet and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs): an update. Int Drug Ther Newslett 1986; 21:19-20.
3. Brown CS & Bryant SG: Monoamine oxidase inhibitors: safety and efficacy issues. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1988; 22:232-235.
4. Clary C & Schweizer E: Treatment of MAOI hypertensive crisis with sublingual nifedipine. J Clin Psychiatry 1987; 48:249-250.
5. Da Prada M, Zurcher G, Wuthrich I et al: On tyramine, food, beverages and the reversible MAO inhibitor moclobemide. J Neural Transm 1988; 26(Suppl):31-56.
6. Gilman AG, Goodman LS & Rall TW et al (Ed): Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 7th ed., Macmillan Publishing, New York, NY, 1985.
7. Lippman SB & Nash K: Monoamine oxidase inhibitor update. Potential adverse food and drug interactions. Drug Safety 1990; 5:195-204.
8. McCabe BJ: Dietary tyramine and other pressor amines in MAOI regimens: a review. J Am Diet Assoc 1986; 86:1059-1064.
9. Stockley I: Alcohol-free beer not safe for MAOI patients. Pharm J 1993; 250:174.
10. Zisook S: A clinical overview of monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Psychosomatics 1985; 26:240-251.

Theodore G Tong, Pharm D/C Hansen
Assistant Clinical Professor of Pharmacy
University of California
San Franscisco, California 94143
Revised by DRUGDEX Editorial Staff
Denver, Colorado 80204, 09/82
Revised by DRUGDEX Editorial Staff, 09/83; 07/85; 07/86; 09/89; 04/93; 01/94

* Meats and Fish
o Liver of all kinds
o pate
o Pickled herring and other pickled fish
o Game (venison, etc.)
o Caviar
o Snails (escargot)
o Salted fish (lox)
o Pastrami
o Corned beef
o Sausages (salami, etc)
o Boveril

* Fruits and Vegetables
o Pods of broad beans
o English beans
o Chinese pea pods
o Miso and miso soup
o Fava beans
o Overripe fruit (especially bananas and Avocados)
o Raisins and other dried fruits
o Pickles of any type
o Sauerkraut
o Canned Figs

* Dairy Products
o All cheeses (Except for cream, cottage, farmer and ricotta)
o Frozen yogurt (Fresh yogurt is OK up to the expiration date on the container)
o Sour cream

* Beverages
o Red wine
o Beer and ale (including alcohol-free)
o Champagne
o Sherry
o Brandy
o Liqueurs and fruit brandies
o Cognac
o (Truly moderate amounts of white wine, gin or vodka are OK)
o Over four servings of caffeine-containing drinks such as coffee, cola drinks, etc.

* Miscellaneous
o Soy sauce
o Brewers yeast (Bread, cake, cookies etc. are OK as they do not contain brewers yeast)
o Marmite
o Licorice
o Over one ounce of chocolate

Jan 1, 2008, 6:33 PM
I agree with you completely about the circumcision argument. I remember sharing that with a urologist 20 years ago. He recommended I get psychological help - and he wasn't kidding. Ah, the pressures to conform.
Nerve damage - if you're talking about from circumcision, yeah, you're missing about 1/2 the feeling. If you have other nerve damage (outside the spinal cord) and it's not from an autoimmune disease, or arthritis, there is good chance you will regain up to 100% of your feeling. Nerve tissue outside the spinal cord contain 'Schwann's cells' which can and often do relink a nerve. I cut my finger when I was 15; lost nearly all feeling in it. The nerve(s) lined back up, Schwann's cells reconnected and I now have most of the feeling.
I've heard horror stories about the pumps on healthy penises. That men who use them (for penis enlargement) develop dependancy and cannot get up without a pump.
Of course, the funny thing is, the penis WANTS to erect (the function is mostly controlled between lower spinal cord and penis) and it is neural impulses from brain that prevent it from getting hard. A friend's brother who suffered a complete spinal break in the neck still gets hardons all the time, just like most of us during sleep.

Jan 1, 2008, 10:09 PM
You're welcome!

I've been told that prolonged use of a pump causes deformities and can rupture blood vessels and cause impotence. They scare me.

Did you hear about the judge who would use his pump in court?


The judge thing is fucking hilarious! The other thing is not. Maybe I'll just stick with the cockring.

Jan 2, 2008, 1:59 AM
I am circumcised but I do not have any problem sensation or with performance. However, I do find significant enhancement of orgasm when I stimulate the underside of my balls, very lightly, in addition to penile stimulation. If you are masturbating, rub against an object in synchrony with penile stimulation. If with a male partner, his chin is great to brush against. It is important to do it very lightly on the underside of the balls in rhythm with the action for maximum effect.


Jan 2, 2008, 2:53 AM
[QUOTE=DiamondDog;89710]Yohibie is interesting.

I've never taken it or any other types of herbal viagra but I don't want to take anything like that and I don't need it.

Yohimbine has been shown to be potentially dangerous in combination with
other drugs such as SSRIs and amphetamines, which is similar to contraindications for MAOIs, but the problems may not be related to yohimbine's MAO-Inhibition.

Yohimbe products should NOT be taken with other MAOIs.

Also Since Yohimbe itself, is a mild MAOI avoid these foods, drugs, and drinks if you take it:

damn, i've always known that shit was dangerous, but i didnt realize how bad til i read this.. glad i've never even had a tiny urge to try the stuff

the mage
Jan 2, 2008, 9:58 AM
I think this is the first new thread I posted. So hello everyone.

Cock pumps:
I see the things everywhere. Do they work? What exactly do they do? Any dangers? Your experiences? Are there better alternatives that enlarge ones pride...

I'm average sized (6 1/2" long, 2"thick, cut (robbed, victimised, butchered at birth...) , and I'm comfortable with that (just a little pissed about the stupid circumcision obviously, I find the practice of circumcising infants morally objectionable for any reason, especially religeous). I like big dicks, and I do masterbate so I would love to have a little more meat to play with, not much, maybe just some more girth.

I have some sensitivity issues from nerve dammage that I might as well toss up as well. I always get it up, I think it's still a little over-active ...no problem there, but I don't always get it off. Does anyone have suggestions about how to increase sensitivity either medicinally or some other way?


.....................pumps are said to enlarge ...but they don't work except for temporarily. Now if your dick is an actual 6.5 you're not small/ If is 2 inch in Dia not circumference you're also fine size wise.

When you fuck you will get best results if you don't whack off for a couple days before. Cock rings you tighten around the base are safe to use too. Half hour at a time at most.
The creams sold as a rule are bogus.

Viagara does work, and if your heart's ok your doc will give it to you.
Its not the worlds most lucrative drug for no reason. If you feel you are having trouble let modern science help you. No one need know.
There's several options for erectile problems, different pills and injected drugs too.
Do not judge your performance by porn films. I've been to dozens of parties where intense sexual play was going on and not a woody to be seen.
They cum and go and cum again in real life...

Being cut reduces HIV transmission only in female to male sex transmission during vaginal sex, which is rare in the first world anyway so its a non issue here.
Try not to dwell no hardness so much as having mutual enjoyment.
Dildos and assorted toys go a long way too..

Jan 2, 2008, 12:07 PM
...I don't take Paxil, zoloft ....or any of that crap. I never will for any reason. They are weakeners for sure. Harmful side effects outweigh any possible good ones. Physical addiction being the major one. I took paxil for 2 years and there were no good effects at all! It solved none of my problems and look out for the dope-sick junky comming through if I forgot to take my pill! I forgot to take it quite a few times and I could barely walk! my balance was gone, I would get virtigo, a fever, the shakes.... and the side effects sucked too, One of them being that it made it even more difficult to ejaculate! (I wasn't taking the drug for that, someone tried to convince me I was depressed...). My Doctor told me "whatever you do, If you decide to quit taking paxil, do not just quit cold turkey. We need to cut the dose back and ween you off it." ...No shit! When I had enough of sacrificing my integrity, and being a slave to this drug, I quit. ...cold. I was very sick for a long time.
Paxil = bad. It's funny how society jams all this crap down my throat all through my childhood like "DRUGS DUMB!", "This is yer brain on drugs...", " drugs are for depressed, bad, crazy...people and they won't make you happy......", then they turn around and jam some addictive happy pill down there right behind it. I say spit it back in their face. That will make you feel good!

Jan 2, 2008, 12:17 PM
Being cut reduces HIV transmission only in female to male sex transmission during vaginal sex, which is rare in the first world anyway so its a non issue here.


More bullshit from you Brian.

HIV/AIDS transmission is not "rare" among heterosexuals in the "first world".

I could give you examples from hets I know who got it but you wouldn't believe me, care, and you'd just flame me.

Why not just say that "AIDS kills fags dead" and that breeders don't need to use condoms at all?

Frankly I'm not surprised that this is your viewpoint about the disease, as this is the viewpoint of many hets since they think that HIV is a disease that ONLY gay men and junkies get.

I advise you to actually educate yourself about HIV/AIDS and realize that it's not just a disease that junkies, gay men, bi men who are of course cheating on their wives get, and realize instead that it's a human disease that effects everyone and doesn't care about your gender/race/sexual orientation.

Jan 2, 2008, 12:30 PM
...I don't take Paxil, zoloft ....or any of that crap. I never will for any reason. They are weakeners for sure. Harmful side effects outweigh any possible good ones. Physical addiction being the major one. I took paxil for 2 years and there were no good effects at all! It solved none of my problems and look out for the dope-sick junky comming through if I forgot to take my pill! I forgot to take it quite a few times and I could barely walk! my balance was gone, I would get virtigo, a fever, the shakes.... and the side effects sucked too, One of them being that it made it even more difficult to ejaculate! (I wasn't taking the drug for that, someone tried to convince me I was depressed...). My Doctor told me "whatever you do, If you decide to quit taking paxil, do not just quit cold turkey. We need to cut the dose back and ween you off it." ...No shit! When I had enough of sacrificing my integrity, and being a slave to this drug, I quit. ...cold. I was very sick for a long time.
Paxil = bad. It's funny how society jams all this crap down my throat all through my childhood like "DRUGS DUMB!", "This is yer brain on drugs...", " drugs are for depressed, bad, crazy...people and they won't make you happy......", then they turn around and jam some addictive happy pill down there right behind it. I say spit it back in their face. That will make you feel good!

I'm pro medication.

Taking medication doesn't make you weak and not all SSRIs/SSNRIs are addictive.

SSRIs and other drugs have helped thousands of people and many more people would be dead by their own hand if they'd never taken them or taken them along with talk therapy.

That being said, unless you actually have a reason to take them like depression/anxiety/panic attacks/OCD, or bipolar disorder/other issues, they're not going to actually do anything for you if you don't really have issues like that.

I don't know all of the specifics in your case but your doctor was right.

You're not supposed to just stop taking medication like Paxil all at once cold turkey. you're supposed to cut the dose in half for 2 weeks and then stop taking the medication all together.

the mage
Jan 2, 2008, 1:33 PM

More bullshit from you Brian.

HIV/AIDS transmission is not "rare" among heterosexuals in the "first world".

I could give you examples from hets I know who got it but you wouldn't believe me, care, and you'd just flame me.

Why not just say that "AIDS kills fags dead" and that breeders don't need to use condoms at all?

Frankly I'm not surprised that this is your viewpoint about the disease, as this is the viewpoint of many hets since they think that HIV is a disease that ONLY gay men and junkies get.

I advise you to actually educate yourself about HIV/AIDS and realize that it's not just a disease that junkies, gay men, bi men who are of course cheating on their wives get, and realize instead that it's a human disease that effects everyone and doesn't care about your gender/race/sexual orientation.

...................the information is readily available for those not blinded by inner rage. Do look it up...
Anyway you're way off topic..he was asking about keeping it up...

Jan 2, 2008, 2:46 PM
...................the information is readily available for those not blinded by inner rage. Do look it up...
Anyway you're way off topic..he was asking about keeping it up...

Drama queen, I'm not "blinded by rage" unlike you are.

Ok Now I'm pissed off you fucking pig.................
Its ASSHOLES like YOU who cause human strife and misery.

You are a total fuck nuts. If you were next to me I would be smashing your fucking pig face in.

I just think that you're a total charlatan when it comes to your false "advice" and false information that you give, a liar, you thrive in consumerism and the heteronormative, and you're a complete idiot too.

You'd have to be a complete moron to actually take anything and everything that you type on this site as being an actual true fact.

This isn't going way off topic either since you yourself brought HIV/AIDS up as a topic in this post with the fraudulent bile that you constantly spew about it, and other topics you ramble on about here.

Also, you actually CAN wear a cockring and ball stretcher for more than 30 mins without any damage to your genitals.

People do it all the time and don't suffer any damage at all.

Hell, I have friends who even wear them 24/7 and sleep in them with no damage or impotence!

Jan 2, 2008, 6:43 PM
...................the information is readily available for those not blinded by inner rage. Do look it up...
Anyway you're way off topic..he was asking about keeping it up...

...I was not asking about keeping it up. Pay attention now kiddies and play nice. I said reduced sensitivity, and that it's overactive. I have never had that problem. My "problem" would be quite the opposite.

Jan 2, 2008, 7:27 PM
As far as the nerve damage goes and the damage/major loss of sensitivity from being cut you can't ever regain that back.

Even if you were to stretch the remaining skin out it still wouldn't be like having an intact foreskin.

How is getting hard a lot a problem?

Everyone's different in that regard.

I've told friends about how often I get erections and masturbate daily, and they think that it's a lot of times when I don't think that it is.

If you can get hard at times but can't ejaculate just try to do things for sex that don't involve ejaculation, or just get used to the idea that sex doesn't have to involve orgasm/ejaculation.

Jan 2, 2008, 8:02 PM
As far as the nerve damage goes and the damage/major loss of sensitivity from being cut you can't ever regain that back.

Even if you were to stretch the remaining skin out it still wouldn't be like having an intact foreskin.

How is getting hard a lot a problem?

Everyone's different in that regard.

I've told friends about how often I get erections and masturbate daily, and they think that it's a lot of times when I don't think that it is.

If you can get hard at times but can't ejaculate just try to do things for sex that don't involve ejaculation, or just get used to the idea that sex doesn't have to involve orgasm/ejaculation.

Ya sure I learned that long ago. Thanks anyway. I just started the thread in case there was some new insight to be found, and I like it when everyone talks about my mighty impaler. I have seen those ads about re-masking the avenger ...walking around with tape all over it is a little too much for me. It's not a problem that's why "problem" was in quotes.

Jan 2, 2008, 8:17 PM
...and losing some feeling has definately contributed to my deviancy. It's not that I try harder to acheive my end result. It's more like: I don't get release so I keep getting more horny.

Jan 4, 2008, 8:05 AM
Ah, foreskin restoration!
Yes, if you are successful in restoring a functional foreskin, the penis glans (head) will return to it's normal sensitivity; much more sensitive than kerotinized glans of typical cut penis. So much so that when you are able to 'cover up' completely for a few months, you will hardly be able to stand 'letting it back out' on a normal clothing wearing day to day basis. You won't want to go back to letting the glans 'out' to be chafed by your underwear, and sex is definitely enhanced (more stimulation perceived in glans).
Don't forget, the glans is an internal organ; shielded on (nearly?) every animal that has a penis. Evolution has clearly favored the covered/foreskined design.
Masters and Johnson 1950's study be damned. It was biased. LOL, come to think of it, any study done by American and/or Jewish doctors will be biased. To declare a difference would be to vicariously declare that all American and Jewish doctors of the past 1.5 century are/were all child molesters for hire. Making cash for needlessly mutilating babies.
Hell, it took 3 generations for doctors to admit that a 'gentleman's hands might not be clean' and wash their hands before surgery! Those doctors were egotistically no different than today's doctors. In the medical field, there's still the Godself image ego to overcome/not to betray.
But I digress; yes, foreskin restoration will increase your (glans) sensitivity.

the mage
Jan 4, 2008, 9:29 AM
...I was not asking about keeping it up. Pay attention now kiddies and play nice. I said reduced sensitivity, and that it's overactive. I have never had that problem. My "problem" would be quite the opposite.

........................ I knew what you were saying, the various option I mentioned are for that situation.

the mage
Jan 4, 2008, 9:34 AM
Drama queen, I'm not "blinded by rage" unlike you are.

I just think that you're a total charlatan when it comes to your false "advice" and false information that you give, a liar, you thrive in consumerism and the heteronormative, and you're a complete idiot too.

You'd have to be a complete moron to actually take anything and everything that you type on this site as being an actual true fact.

This isn't going way off topic either since you yourself brought HIV/AIDS up as a topic in this post with the fraudulent bile that you constantly spew about it, and other topics you ramble on about here.

Also, you actually CAN wear a cockring and ball stretcher for more than 30 mins without any damage to your genitals.

People do it all the time and don't suffer any damage at all.

Hell, I have friends who even wear them 24/7 and sleep in them with no damage or impotence!

..........................well its gratifying to see the zirconium puppy in a dither again,, however I will once again tell everyone to look up reliable info. (wikipedia is not reliable info by the way) on these health matters..

Jan 4, 2008, 3:21 PM
Ah, foreskin restoration!
Yes, if you are successful in restoring a functional foreskin, the penis glans (head) will return to it's normal sensitivity; much more sensitive than kerotinized glans of typical cut penis. So much so that when you are able to 'cover up' completely for a few months, you will hardly be able to stand 'letting it back out' on a normal clothing wearing day to day basis. You won't want to go back to letting the glans 'out' to be chafed by your underwear, and sex is definitely enhanced (more stimulation perceived in glans).
Don't forget, the glans is an internal organ; shielded on (nearly?) every animal that has a penis. Evolution has clearly favored the covered/foreskined design.
Masters and Johnson 1950's study be damned. It was biased. LOL, come to think of it, any study done by American and/or Jewish doctors will be biased. To declare a difference would be to vicariously declare that all American and Jewish doctors of the past 1.5 century are/were all child molesters for hire. Making cash for needlessly mutilating babies.
Hell, it took 3 generations for doctors to admit that a 'gentleman's hands might not be clean' and wash their hands before surgery! Those doctors were egotistically no different than today's doctors. In the medical field, there's still the Godself image ego to overcome/not to betray.
But I digress; yes, foreskin restoration will increase your (glans) sensitivity.

So are there any ways to restore it without wearing tape over it for at least a year?

Jan 4, 2008, 5:08 PM
Naw, dude; time is required.
Actually, (believe it or not) I understand it was men stretching shaft skin into replacement foreskin that inspired/started the current medical science of tissue stretching.
Very obese people have skin that gets stretched. The skin slowly grows and changes to continuously adapt to a larger size. Then when a large amount of weight (subcutaneous fat) is removed via surgery or dieting, the skin is floppy.
Now, leg bones are stretched, also skin of all sorts for all sorts of accident victims (and mutilation victims).
You have to be dedicated to 'regrow' a modestly functional foreskin. A lot depends on how sadistic the doctor/nurse who did the cutting was. But yeah, a year or two.

Jan 4, 2008, 7:00 PM
..........................well its gratifying to see the zirconium puppy in a dither again,, however I will once again tell everyone to look up reliable info. (wikipedia is not reliable info by the way) on these health matters..

I'm not in a dither or angry.

I just think it's funny how you ramble on and on about HIV/AIDS, get paranoid about it and need Xanax or some Thorazine, Haldol, and Risperdal too, and then flip out when people tell you that you're wrong when you say that bisexual men are the single cause and source of het women getting HIV, and then you say that heterosexuals who live in countries outside of Africa don't need to worry about getting HIV at all from vaginal sex.

You don't know factual or relilable information on HIV and other STDs and you shouldn't be acting like the information that you spew here about HIV/other STDs is valid or factual.

Myself and many other people here don't appreciate the false information that you spread about HIV and other STDs, or even how you said that it's OK and perfectly safe to use a glass beer bottle as a dildo. :rolleyes:

the mage
Jan 5, 2008, 12:00 PM
I'm not in a dither or angry.

I just think it's funny how you ramble on and on about HIV/AIDS, get paranoid about it and need Xanax or some Thorazine, Haldol, and Risperdal too, and then flip out when people tell you that you're wrong when you say that bisexual men are the single cause and source of het women getting HIV, and then you say that heterosexuals who live in countries outside of Africa don't need to worry about getting HIV at all from vaginal sex.

You don't know factual or relilable information on HIV and other STDs and you shouldn't be acting like the information that you spew here about HIV/other STDs is valid or factual.

Myself and many other people here don't appreciate the false information that you spread about HIV and other STDs, or even how you said that it's OK and perfectly safe to use a glass beer bottle as a dildo. :rolleyes:

...............................once again the tiny tiny mind attempts an assault.
Once again I say SHOW IT LITTLE BOY...........show your facts..

Show where I said the things you claim.. do start a thread of your own to enlighten us all with your wisdom...........sad sad small boy with a smaller mind that cannot remember where he last shot off his spew.

Jan 5, 2008, 3:08 PM
...............................once again the tiny tiny mind attempts an assault.
Once again I say SHOW IT LITTLE BOY...........show your facts..

Show where I said the things you claim.. do start a thread of your own to enlighten us all with your wisdom...........sad sad small boy with a smaller mind that cannot remember where he last shot off his spew.

Why should I show you the information about HIV and other STDs I've posted tons of times before? As you've said before, if people want information they should find it themselves.

You're just going to flame me even further, proclaim it not truthful or valid at all when it's from actual sources unlike your information that you post is, and it's all pointless.

Why would I make a huge thread dedicated to you that would only feed your pathetically small ego and cause you to flame me even more?

Your posts here are worthless. You're just a troll that somehow isn't banned. If Drew actually cared about this site unlike his porn site 3pillows you would have stayed banned.

It's obvious to everyone that you're pretty damn crazy and need lots of medications and therapy would help a lot, and I've posted valid information that blows away your false information and arguments before.

Here's where you say that it's OK and safe to use a beer bottle for a dildo:

put a condom on all your weird toys [glass beer bottles, fruits/veggies, anything you might find around the house/etc.] and you're fine.

the mage
Jan 5, 2008, 3:23 PM
Yes please play safe. There are already enough unneutered puppies on the planet.

Global Aids Pandemic....UN Aids 2006...read it.


Jan 6, 2008, 6:44 AM
[QUOTE=Uneedhands;89699]I think this is the first new thread I posted. So hello everyone.

Cock pumps:
I see the things everywhere. Do they work? What exactly do they do? Any dangers? Your experiences? Are there better alternatives that enlarge ones pride...

I'm average sized (6 1/2" long, 2"thick, cut (robbed, victimised, butchered at birth...) , and I'm comfortable with that (just a little pissed about the stupid circumcision obviously, I find the practice of circumcising infants morally objectionable for any reason, especially religeous).

Agreed. It's male mutilation.
