View Full Version : What to do, What to do!

May 26, 2008, 5:22 AM
I have a stupid question, but I am going to ask it anyway. What do 16 year old girls like to do for fun?

For a week this summer I have been asked to bring two teenaged girls to my place, so they can go to a Pride day festival. The day of the festival is taken care of, but I don‘t know what to do with the rest of the week. They are coming from a very small conservative town and have never been to Salem, Portland or Eugene before. I know that I will be taking them to Portland, just because I know they will like it. Problem is I don’t know what to plan on doing once we get there. I would like to show them that not everyone are assholes about sexuality.

So far my searches have only found one thing I think they would like, an under 21 GLBT club in Portland. I am apprehensive about it because I would not be able to go in with them since I am 26 and I don’t think it is a good idea to leave them alone in a place and town they have never been in. Am I wrong about that, or am I just to paranoid? I have asked them what they want to do while they are here, but since they have never been here, they don’t really know. For the sake of the question please assume that Portland or Salem will have what is needed for the answers.

Anyways, any ideas GLBT minded or not would be appreciated. Thanks.


May 26, 2008, 6:40 AM
I'm going to give a stupid answer to your stupid question by way of another question: What is a man 26 doing hosting girls 16? Their parents will be there, right?

There is always housework.

May 26, 2008, 7:43 AM
I'm going to give a stupid answer to your stupid question by way of another question: What is a man 26 doing hosting girls 16? Their parents will be there, right?

There is always housework.

No their parents won’t be here. The point is for them to have a good time, not to have their parents saying more biphobic bullshit to them. It has not been good for the one especially. That’s what happens when you come out at 15 in a conservative town. As for why they will be here; one of the girls asked me (my cousin) if I would take her girlfriend and her to a Pride celebration. She wanted to show her what it is like to just be herself and not have to pretend she never came out in the first place. I liked the idea. As for why she asked me, I am the only out person in my family that goes to pride because I am the only one that lives in a town that has one.

Also just because you may only be able to think about sex, doesn’t mean it is all I can think of.

As for the housework, what kind of host are you? That’s what the maid is for!


May 26, 2008, 9:02 AM
Order pizza, rent scary movies, prank phone calls, slumber party!!! lol make over!! Since they never been there before, show them around. Go sight seeing, any historical places? Just don't get talked into buying booze. I was 16 and I talked my auntie to buy some booze when I was visiting for the summer...lol She did! My first time doing shooters and the next day was a nightmare!!

May 26, 2008, 9:46 AM
Do you have any like minded friends that you could invite over for a barbecue or small party? If they are from a small conservative town, they might appreciate the time to just be themselves in a more open setting. It would give them a chance to see that not everyone is from the dark ages. :) Other than that, a mall is always a safe bet. 16 year old love to shop.

May 26, 2008, 11:12 AM
... one of the girls asked me (my cousin) if I would take her girlfriend and her to a Pride celebration. ... I am the only out person in my family that goes to pride because I am the only one that lives in a town that has one. RJ:lokai:

Ah! Like everyone else, I raised a brow at the mention of "16 year old". But it's family, not a rendezvous...

Don't worry!
The girls will find things to do, just keep your car gassed up, and be ready to say 'no' to half of the 10,000 things they'll come up with!

May 26, 2008, 11:59 AM
I'm going to give a stupid answer to your stupid question by way of another question: What is a man 26 doing hosting girls 16? Their parents will be there, right?

There is always housework.

Jesus Christ!.... What's with all the age polarizing in society today? It's going to get to the point where 'adults' and 'minors' can't be in a room together without creating suspicion. Unless, of course, you were joking....

May 26, 2008, 12:26 PM
Hey, not a stupid question. It can be a challenge with any guest at any age!

I’ve written a few bits of advice, but keep coming back to the same question: Have you done your homework? Must be some clues as to their interests. Maybe they loathe the mall scene. Are they sporty? Are they bookish? Try and get some insight. I’d look for one more “highlight” event for the week. Summer in Portland/Eugene…there must be some concert or event. Otherwise, keep it fun & casual. There’s a fine line between over planning and playing it by ear. (We tend to exhaust our guests with too many activities and they can't wait to go home!) I may be way off, but it’s my guess that if they are in touch with their sexuality at 16, their going to have it together and will probably do just fine entertaining themselves at least some of the week with a little local guidance and public transport…

May 26, 2008, 1:06 PM
Delilah has the right idea, but in addition to that, ask them if there is anything that they would like to do.

Basically make some tentative plans, but be flexible enough to do something else as well.

Being as it's only a 10 year difference, you may have some similar social and cultural interests anyway. It has been known to happen.

May 26, 2008, 1:13 PM
There Is the Mall, the movies, a beach if your close to one, sight seeing, walking around town showing the various shops and scenery, boy watching, and girl watching too of course. The idea of a get together is a great one. BBQ and friends are a great way to show the girls the other sides of the rainbow(so to speak) all the while not having to touch on a sexual venue.
Be their friend, big brother, and above all protector. I dont like the idea of leaving them in a club, Hon. Too many trolls and predators roaming those kinds of clubs. Find a friend that has a pool and have a Pool Part pot luck type of thing, and tell people to bring their teenage friends and relitives, whatever.
Whatever you do, have fun at it, and start taking your vitamins NOW..lol

May 26, 2008, 2:48 PM
Toad buddy,
First off I feel I must ask, do the parents of both 16 year olds' know about this, or is it without their knowledge? I only ask out of concern for your well being and theirs. It'd really suck to have this blow up in your face if the parents didn't know and then found out. Trouble all around.
In answer to the question, I think somebody mentioned this above, . . . ask the girls what they'd like, what they enjoy for starters. They might give you the answers you seek right off the bat.

May 26, 2008, 6:47 PM
Jesus Christ!.... What's with all the age polarizing in society today? It's going to get to the point where 'adults' and 'minors' can't be in a room together without creating suspicion. Unless, of course, you were joking....

That is the same way I took it.


May 26, 2008, 8:02 PM
Thank you for the ideas. I like the idea of a barbecue, I think I will try that. As for the mall I know they both would love it, but I am paying for the entire trip and I am sure they will have no money. Neither one of them come from a family that can afford to send money with them. Because of that I don’t know if that is such a good idea. A concert or event in Portland or Eugene is a great idea. I will have to look into that. I am sure that we will spend a day or two looking around Portland. I am flexible enough to do anything they want as long as its cheap enough.

As for buying alcohol, my cousin and her mother (also my cousin) both know I usually don’t drink alcohol. With that said neither girl would want to drink, both girls are around alcohol and drunks all the time. I know they don’t like it, but they usually can’t get away from it. As for the parents knowing my cousin knows (the mother). The other parents I have been told that they know and are okay with her coming here. I don’t think that they know about her going to Pride, but it is probably better that way. From what I have been told when they are not working they are almost always wasted. Also I don’t really think that they give a damn about her at all anymore, if they ever did. If I have the chance I want to meet her parents before she comes here, but I don’t know if that will happen. From the way that I met her for the first time, I know that she has a very bad home life because of her father.

Anyways thanks for the ideas and if anyone has anymore I would like to read them.


May 27, 2008, 1:33 PM
It depends on what they like but...

OMSI(http://www.omsi.edu/) -in Portland is always fun for all ages.

Also Art museums , if they are into that.(http://www.travelportland.com/arts_culture/)

Any bookstore is great, but what about a trip to Powells books (http://www.powells.com/) in Portland. Its one of the largest bookstores and they are very queer friendly.

Other than that, just say no to 90% of what they want to do and you'll be fine LOL

Best of luck!


May 27, 2008, 8:26 PM
You might also check out:
I think the Portland Rose Festival is happening May 29th through June 8th? MD mentioned some really good ideas/sugestions; good luck Toad!

May 28, 2008, 9:47 PM
Being 16 once, and having had one and 2 more on the way to that, every kid is different. ASK THEM! Of course, not having money, they might be shy about asking for what they want. Myself and my kids, but one, hate the mall. But we do enjoy museums, walks in nice parks, especially ones that show off your local topography and fauna that might be different from where they come from.

You could come up with a list of places and things to do, email it to them to start the discussion. It's also a good thing to put a money amount up for what you are willing to spend on things and all discuss it. It would be good training for them to budget, especially if they don't have money at home to do this with.

Do they have bikes they could bring, or could you borrow some extra ones. I hear you have nice trails there. What does your city have that theirs does not? Water? Culture?

And I agree with Marie: Powells is a must. I'd LOVE to go there! And the bbq to show that there are wonderful non-homophobes would be excellent!

When I was 16, my mother took me to England, and my cousin thought that I simply had to see Wimbledon. I hate sports. But I went and it was ok to make him happy with his choice and planning. I had fun even though it was sports.