
How Long Has it been

  1. Humanlove
    I can't be alone in this incidentally bisexual world am I? I mean, I am happily married, sex is great when I have it which is fairly often. Then again being the "average" man I guess I want it more than she does, and that is pretty common. We guys want sex readily available and that is the kicker. It isn't that I don't get sex, it is that I don't always get sex when I feel a strong need for it. Scheduling has a lot to do with that. But life is like that, we may want things but that doesn't mean we get things and the time we may want it and not get it is NOW. So, we compromise, we agree to have sex when she is available, although all I have to do is ask, provided she is home. If not, I am left to my own "batteries not included" devices. Not that I couldn't use a hand now and then to resolve this very hard problem. In any case, Sex is a great part of life and with it comes certain desires which often are unexpected. Suddenly I find myself looking at the male appendage and getting turned on, but why? I am not going to delve into psychological issues here, let's just say that I can get turned on easily and when I do I find myself wanting something more than she can offer me. What can I say, I am orally fixated and enjoy it when I can offer it. Who knows how long these bi feeling will last but they have been with me off and on for over 35 years so I am guessing they may be here to stay. Timing is everything, and location is the other. Although she knows what I have experienced, and has participated once in the past, I know I ma pretty much on my own to attain sexual gratification when it comes to mm activity, and that is fine, but I never say never.

    Sex is supposed to be fun and for the most part it is, the only part that isn't is being the one left holding the bag, my own that is. I want simplicity, no complications and most definitely an orgasm or two.

    I am not the only one who sees things that way, am I? I can't be.
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