
Have you understand bisexuality?

  1. hanalee
    The best possible way for you to deal with your confusion will be to spend time sorting through all of the questions and issues that you are confronted with and to put them in different compartments. If, for example, you’re married, some of the compartments that you may want to use would be:
    Bisexuality – What do I understand about it? How am I experiencing it? etc
    Marriage – How does this stand to impact my marriage? How will my wife respond to my bisexuality?
    You’re going to feel compelled to try to control things, but you need to make yourself aware that scary as things may appear to be, there really isn’t any need for you to be a control freak. In fact, the best way of dealing with things, once you’ve put your questions and issues into different compartments, would be to select one compartment and focus on dealing with things one issue at a time. Once you’ve finished cleaning out one compartment, only then will it be necessary to move on to the next one.
    “What about the rest of my issues? Won’t they be a train wreck to my life?” May be your reaction.
    Well, this approach reduces the risk of being faced with a train wreck because things will be contained and thus won’t blow up in your face…provided that you don’t mess with them. If, however, you try to juggle various issues, you stand to drop the ball in some way and thus set yourself up for a fall.
    “It’s about the journey, and not the destination”.
    Allow us to help you to bring your ship into the harbour, while enjoying the beauty of the sea. Coming to terms with bisexuality takes time and understanding what being bisexual means is always a learning process.
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