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  1. #1

    top/bottom balance in cities

    i live in austin, tx, which i have heard has a lot more guys looking to bottom than top.

    are there any cities with the opposite, more guys looking to top than bottom? are there any top-heavy cities, or is every city in the us just a race to the bottom?

  2. #2

    Re: top/bottom balance in cities

    Near Seattle here. It feels like there's 75% bottoms & 25% Tops but I'm not sure even how many of those Tops are real.people & not just Bots. Frustrating.

  3. #3

    Re: top/bottom balance in cities

    Quote Originally Posted by muscular-legs-915024 View Post
    i live in austin, tx, which i have heard has a lot more guys looking to bottom than top.

    are there any cities with the opposite, more guys looking to top than bottom? are there any top-heavy cities, or is every city in the us just a race to the bottom?
    I would agree. I think the ratio is more like 90/10 bottom to top. I think one of the reasons there aren't as many top postings is because if you post as a top, you're going to be inundated. The other reason more tops don't post is because we don't have to. If I'm looking for a bottom, there are usually tens if not hundreds of bottoms to choose from.

    I travel quite a bit, and that seems to be the case no matter which city or region I'm in.

  4. #4

    Re: top/bottom balance in cities

    My protege lives in CA and he asks, "Why are there so many bottoms?" which is a strange question coming from him since he maintains that he's a top which suggests to me that he's in a target rich environment with plenty of guys who want to bottom. But, apparently, he - and other tops - seem to think this is a problem and it's not like there aren't plenty of tops out there but if you're a bottom and you're looking for a particular guy as a top, your pool of available tops goes down dramatically. Like jjourneyman said, tops in CA are getting flooded by great numbers of existing and emerging bottoms.

    Is there a glut of bottoms and not enough tops to go around? More than likely, being a bottom has really taken off in the last few years. In my neck of the woods - and the last time I checked - yep, there are a slew of bottoms on the apps and not a "whole lot" of tops - and some tops are really picky about the type of guy they want to top so that, too, shrinks the availability pool. One of the things I learned from my protege is that some tops want a bottom who is more versatile; he says he's a top but he doesn't have a problem with bottoms who (a) wants their cock sucked and (b) wants to give him the high hard one in da butt "occasionally," as he puts it. Other guys I personally know say similar things so I'm of a mind that, yes, there are a whole lot of bottoms out there and they outnumber the tops like 3:1 - but it could also be a "compatibility" problem given, again, how picky guys are these days.

  5. #5

    Re: top/bottom balance in cities

    Here in California I think more bottoms than us tops , I have the same experience in Arizona and Nevada , I do remember one who claimed to be versatile actually only loved performing oral and actually only wanted to receive anal , when we talked about it he did admit he loved to actually take a more feminine role in sex with other men..
    I personally have never really been big on labels just to be an uninhibited sexual person works for me

  6. #6

    Re: top/bottom balance in cities

    Just a theory, but I think it has a lot to do with the decrease in testosterone levels that has been occuring over the decades. Also add that masculine behavior is discouraged in our society and now the results are more men becoming feminine.




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