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  1. #1

    Is there a right way.

    I know that sites like double list are full are bots, flakes and non serious people. This may be one of the reasons I do not get any responses, even when I upgrade to a paid subscription. By the way I am a bottom - which is a big disadvantage!

    That said, based on your experience, is there a RIGHT WAY to draft a post for this site - like what MIGHT likely bring more replies?
    Thanks in advance for your responses.

  2. #2

    Re: Is there a right way.

    First, I wouldn't say that being a bottom is a big disadvantage because tops are always looking for bottoms - but - they want the "right" bottom for them and, yes, it's how you "sell" yourself on the sites you belong to that can make all the difference.

    The "right way" is whatever way you want to tell others about yourself that will, hopefully, attract them to you to get the conversation going... so they can get into your pants. You "list" that you're a bottom and briefly what kind of bottom you are - submissive, power, whatever; you list what you will and won't do; you list any FWB interests; you list whether you can host or not; some suggest that you either be detailed or you should keep it short and sweet and save something for when they contact you and want to talk... about getting into your pants.

    The bad part is that you can pay to be on a site and it's not a guarantee that you're going to wind up face down/ass up quick, fast, and in a hurry. Oh, and you also should be proactive in your quest for a top by not sitting on your cute ass and waiting for them to notice you - browse through the offerings and look for a guy who, at least on paper, looks promising to you and reach out to him and... you keep doing these things until you're successful. I know that I can go on A4A at any time of the day or night and there will be guys "checking me out" and they might not pass muster for me; likewise, I can go looking for the kind of guy I want to spend the day blowing and... not find someone that I find interesting enough.

    This is still just as much of a crap shoot as trying to date - and bed - women has always been. I think it's all in how you, again, "sell" yourself to those who might be interested - and then you wait, you repeat often, weed out the bots, flakes, and fakes, and keep doing these things until you really do get tired of doing it. I would say that the apps and sites provide an advantage because trying to find a guy to have sex with before these things existed was an even bigger crap shoot. I'm sure other members will have some ideas to share with you...




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