Results 1 to 29 of 29
  1. #1

    Who Is In Charge Here?

    I'm writing on the assumption that I'm not the only person who was locked out by the popup from an age verification routine that was more intrusive than an IRS audit during a colonoscopy. No way I'm giving away that much into. If I'm wrong, stop reading now. If I'm right, I have to ask, who is responsible for maintaining this site? With no ads to support it, who is paying the bills? Moreover, who is responsible for the site's safety? It seems that the age verification bullshit was blocking the site for 3 days. It had also blocked the site several months ago. It's not that I'm ungrateful for the site being here. And I suspect that the reason for the weekend long blockade may be that this generous benefactor who is single-handedly running this thing was away for the holiday weekend. The site needs some fine tuning as several things are no longer working. Maybe with some transparency, we could make it better.

  2. #2

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    It may be because some over the more conservative states have threatened to sue site that don't require age verification. Here in Texas they have done so.

  3. #3

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    I've never had that problem at home in Idaho. I was across the border in Washington state a few days ago and went to check this site and it wanted all this information. I declined to go through with it. The site worked fine when I got back into Idaho.

  4. #4

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    It is spam! It comes it goes! The admins should be able to block it!

  5. #5

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    was a scam

  6. #6

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Basic reply to previous comments. Age verification does not require divulging all the information that that obvious scam was mining for. And nobody so far has addressed the question of who is running this site. Yes, an admin should have removed it. Who is an admin and why did it take over 3 days?

  7. #7

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    I've seen it several times when trying to visit the site. Once, seems like I closed the site, and reopened, and it was gone, one other, saw I didn't have the vpn on, it disappeared when it was on.

  8. #8

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Quote Originally Posted by biguycancun View Post
    Basic reply to previous comments. Age verification does not require divulging all the information that that obvious scam was mining for. And nobody so far has addressed the question of who is running this site. Yes, an admin should have removed it. Who is an admin and why did it take over 3 days?
    After drew passed away, I believe his brother took over management of the site, so while its been watched over, it does not have an active visible admin presence, such as an admin name posting on the forum. it does not mean that there is not an admin presence tho.

    The age verification scam is not part of the site, it can activate when a person accesses the site, but its just a eternal pop up, not part of the site. A bit like the * your PC has a problem, please ring this number * pop ups, most spam / pop up blockers block them so many people never see the age verification pop up........

    So the admin can not remove it from the site, because its not part of the site and they have no direct control over it......
    The only thing more painful than a broken heart, is catching yourself in your zip and having very cold hands

  9. #9

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    I don't believe it is a scam, although it may be. Many states have enacted child protection laws requiring all sites that contain more than 33.3% content that could be harmful to minors must maintain age verification or face huge fines. Here in TN, it goes into effect on 1/1/2025 and this site is already blocking visitors from the site. That said, when I turn on my VPN and change location to different location, I get in fine. All this said, I DO NOT recommend anyone hand over their personal info to these verification systems. Invest in a VPN and change your location instead. I can support child protections, but our feeble, out of touch Senator Marsha Blackburn and others are countering with claims that we are required to show I.D. to enter bars, clubs, or adult establishments so we should have to do the same online. She won't acknowledge there is a huge difference between flashing a gatekeeper your I.D. at a venue VS. submitting your D.L. #, Birthdate, etc. online to be stored and accessed by anyone in authority or smart enough to hack the system.

  10. #10

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    There's a lot of misinformation in this thread. Many of our southern or Great Plains states now require that sites with adult content require proof of age or block access. I'm tempted to rant about these states, but I'll stay on point. You can read about the service that uses - . My initial research reveals that this is not a group of Chinese or Russian state sponsored hackers or West African or South Asian scammers. The risk is if the site storing the information is hacked then the hackers have several pieces of your PII which could be used for nefarious purposes. Consider investing in a good VPN; one with multiple locations. If the budget isn't there then ask your friends and family if they have a family plan. If they do then perhaps they could gift you one of their licenses. If you execute financial transactions on your smart phone using a wireless connection then a VPN isn't a bad idea anyway. Alternatively turn off the javascript for Another option move to a better jurisdiction. I doubt that these policies will deter your typical teen or tween from accessing adult content.
    Last edited by njfresh; Dec 27, 2024 at 11:51 PM.

  11. #11

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Quote Originally Posted by njfresh View Post
    There's a lot of misinformation in this thread. Many of our southern or Great Plains states now require that sites with adult content require proof of age or block access. I'm tempted to rant about these states, but I'll stay on point. You can read about the service that uses - . My initial research reveals that this is not a group of Chinese or Russian state sponsored hackers or West African or South Asian scammers. The risk is if the site storing the information is hacked then the hackers have several pieces of your PII which could be used for nefarious purposes. Consider investing in a good VPN; one with multiple locations. If the budget isn't there then ask your friends and family if they have a family plan. If they do then perhaps they could gift you one of their licenses. If you execute financial transactions on your smart phone using a wireless connection then a VPN isn't a bad idea anyway. Alternatively turn off the javascript for Another option move to a better jurisdiction. I doubt that these policies will deter your typical teen or tween from accessing adult content.
    Thanks for the clarifications. But, the amount of personal information that ageverification demands is excessive and unwarranted. There are many other verification services that match entered info to public records and don't require such in-depth disclosure. Also, please explain how and or why the popup comes and goes. I am in Florida. I've been locked out of here by the popup for a total of six days on two occasions, of three days each. And then it goes away. And finally, going back to my original question, who is running the show? I've been trying to change my country listing since 2019 when I moved back to the US. Can't be done. The software routine is broken. So is the mapping routine. Who can fix it? Who is paying the bills here? Still a mystery.

  12. #12

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    We had no choice but to require users in states that now have strict age verification laws to verify their age prior to accessing our website. It's either that or block all access in those states like PornHub did. The service we use is as private as we could find, as they don't send us anything other than a token for each verified user which lets the user access our site.

    From their site: " provides private third party age verification. Your ID information will not be stored after successful verification, and personal information will not be shared with any of the websites using our service."

  13. #13

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Thank you for clarifying! If "" becomes mandatory, I am out immediately! And promises like: "Your ID information will not be stored after successful verification, and personal information will not be shared..."
    We're getting these promises on a daily basis from the biggest Companies out there. And quite often a "We're very sorry that your information may be compromised, bla bla bla!
    Identity theft, SS #'s, money, bank accounts, credit cards and any personal info like names, addresses and birthdays are NOT safe online! Period!
    Well, I hope that things will turn out fine! Live and let live while keeping criminals away!

  14. #14

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    We had no choice but to require users in states that now have strict age verification laws to verify their age prior to accessing our website. It's either that or block all access in those states like PornHub did. The service we use is as private as we could find, as they don't send us anything other than a token for each verified user which lets the user access our site.

    From their site: " provides private third party age verification. Your ID information will not be stored after successful verification, and personal information will not be shared with any of the websites using our service."
    "we had no choice"... Forgive me for not knowing, but does "we" mean you are one of or the owners/managers of this site? If so, why have you not responded to specific problems like change of location, etc?

  15. #15

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Unfortunately the location based features are no longer supported. In order to support them, we would have to pay for costly subscriptions to third party location tracking services. If enough people would commit to paying a monthly fee for those features as a premium service, we would consider bringing them back.

  16. #16

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Another way to hide/change your location is to use the Tor browser.

  17. #17

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    We had no choice but to require users in states that now have strict age verification laws to verify their age prior to accessing our website. It's either that or block all access in those states like PornHub did. The service we use is as private as we could find, as they don't send us anything other than a token for each verified user which lets the user access our site.

    From their site: " provides private third party age verification. Your ID information will not be stored after successful verification, and personal information will not be shared with any of the websites using our service."
    Could you at least make sure the site gets a proper certificate?

  18. #18

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Quote Originally Posted by gooniegoogoo View Post
    Could you at least make sure the site gets a proper certificate?
    The site does have a proper certificate that expires 3/5/2025. Where are you seeing otherwise?

  19. #19

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    We had no choice but to require users in states that now have strict age verification laws to verify their age prior to accessing our website. It's either that or block all access in those states like PornHub did. The service we use is as private as we could find, as they don't send us anything other than a token for each verified user which lets the user access our site.

    From their site: " provides private third party age verification. Your ID information will not be stored after successful verification, and personal information will not be shared with any of the websites using our service."
    Nevertheless, the documents required by far exceed what is legally admissible for that purpose. As an example, I have never been asked for my passport. That’s just totally out of bounds.

  20. #20

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Well, I think they will take any legal document that has your picture and date of birth on it, like drivers license or any other government issued form of ID. I don't see any other way that your age can be verified, do you?

  21. #21

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Please show any of your legal documents with your picture and your birthday right here on this site!
    And pls let us know if you trust this site here more or less than any entities out there verifying your identity and legal age!

  22. #22

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    Well, I think they will take any legal document that has your picture and date of birth on it, like drivers license or any other government issued form of ID. I don't see any other way that your age can be verified, do you?
    Legitimate sources of age information are public and available. Cross referencing a name is easy.

    While I have your attention, I was locked out again for two days, but had no trouble today. All login attempts from the same computer, same location. Why is the verification pop up active some days and not others?

  23. #23

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Quote Originally Posted by AbiMan69 View Post
    Please show any of your legal documents with your picture and your birthday right here on this site!
    And pls let us know if you trust this site here more or less than any entities out there verifying your identity and legal age!

  24. #24

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    I got a free VPN to use. It was pinging from a server in Dallas, TX, and the site was requiring age verification. Chose a sever in Romania, and got right in.

  25. #25

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Hey I didn't write those laws, so you guys are barking up the wrong tree. If you find any other service for age verification that does not ask for an ID, please post it here. I haven't seen any yet. As far as VPN's go, clearly whoever wrote those laws was not a techie.

  26. #26

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    Hey I didn't write those laws, so you guys are barking up the wrong tree. If you find any other service for age verification that does not ask for an ID, please post it here. I haven't seen any yet. As far as VPN's go, clearly whoever wrote those laws was not a techie.
    A cops famous words: "I don't make these laws." 1776. The Tea Party. Civil War. Independence! If we would say YES to everything they push upon us we would be a lost cause and nothing! 1984. Sheeple. Followers. Cowards. Show some strength, show some backbone. Stand up and fight for your freedom! This Country was not founded on losers and suckers. Don't agree to everything some idiots come up with. Trust, Honesty and Values! Just wait till AI takes over. LOL

  27. #27

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Quote Originally Posted by AbiMan69 View Post
    A cops famous words: "I don't make these laws." 1776. The Tea Party. Civil War. Independence! If we would say YES to everything they push upon us we would be a lost cause and nothing! 1984. Sheeple. Followers. Cowards. Show some strength, show some backbone. Stand up and fight for your freedom! This Country was not founded on losers and suckers. Don't agree to everything some idiots come up with. Trust, Honesty and Values! Just wait till AI takes over. LOL
    I agree 100%, but that's very easy to say when you're not the one who could face lawsuits, fines or jail time. The way to fight these laws is by contacting legislators and government officials, or going out to protest.

  28. #28

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Guys, can I suggest we stop dogging against this site's admin? This site didn't create these new rules, but like almost all laws our country passes anymore creates situations that require the business owner's or product suppliers to do the police work and also puts all the liability on these same people. I don't agree with this infringement of our privacy, but it's not this site's fault.
    As if it really matters that our access sporadically comes and goes, that is probably due to the last ditch lawsuits that various groups have launched against the gov't that created temporary stays that reopened access at times. With time, the gov't required lockouts will become more permanent. As I stated early on in this thread, I recommend you find a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to access thru.
    For those my age that don't know how a VPN works, it basically lets you choose a distant location that shows that as your location on the internet. VPNs are what people in countries like North Korea and China have to use to reach the "outside world" on the internet, which proves this latest porn legislation puts us one step closer to total government control.
    Don't be mad at the good guys, be mad at the perverts and child pornographers who cause these types of actions to be taken to protect our kids. DON'T IGNORE CHILD SEXUAL EXPLOTATION. REPORT IT!!

  29. #29

    Re: Who Is In Charge Here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brian View Post
    The site does have a proper certificate that expires 3/5/2025. Where are you seeing otherwise?
    Looks good now.




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